Friday, April 17, 2009

What a Busy Easter Weekend!!!

So our Easter weekend was just so fun and BUSY! Friday we went riding out at Hodges with the family and some old family friends and it was Hailey's first ride! She was so excited seeing how her cousin Riley who had a little mini quad zoom (slowly) right by her and Hailey would pant like a little dog (her new thing she discovered she could do only without the tongue!) So Aunt Jessica put Hailey on the back of the quad with Riley! Hailey had such a blast! Then on Saturday we had a full day of fun at an Aquarium in San Diego. Hailey wasn't too into the jelly fish and what not but, seeing how she is too young It's quite understandable! She still loved being able to splash the water having no clue what's in the water! :D Haha... After that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law took Drew, Hailey, and I too the San Diego Temple! WOW! Was it big! ... And beautiful! We took a few pictures (which I will post as soon as we get them!) some funny ones and some cute ones! We went home that night and shopped until midnight! It was def a long two days! On top of that we had to get up early for church Sunday and make it to my family late lunch at 2 and Drews family dinner at 5! Yea! Preeeety busy! Huh??!?! Haha... all in all it was fun... and It was a good Easter weekend! I loved seeing family from all ends and even a few friend! I am very greatful for all of my loved ones! Happy late Easter to all! :D

Pictures of us riding on Friday...
Hailey and I on the big quad! It startled her as I revved the engine!

Hailey and Riley zooming around!

Pictures of the San Diego Aquarium on Saturday...
Daddy and Hailey trapped in a cage with a shark!!! Ahhh!

Hailey being eaten by a shark!

Hailey splashing in the water thats full of weird fish and things that live on the bottom of the ocean floor.

Daddy and Hailey looking out at the ocean.

All of us being eaten by the shark! Ahhh!

And a few pictures of some fish and sharks and jelly fish!


  1. I love your blog. Such a cute family picture. Thanks for sharing about your Easter.

  2. hahah i love that picture of the whole family beign eaten...too funny!

  3. Cute pictures! Looks like it was busy but FUN!! I miss being around all the family!


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