Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hailey's 1st Beach Trip!

Soooo... Hailey's first beach trip was a couple of weeks ago! She had so much fun! Seeing how one of my favorite places to be in the world is the beach... it was pretty exciting for me that Hailey LOVED it! Hailey and Riley (her year and a half old cousin) sat by the shoreline and played in the sand and water. I bought a floaty for Hailey that was a tad bit too big for her and she didn't like it but, Riley had no issues with the freezing cold water, and the crab that was in the water below her, and got right in it and floated all over the beach and back! It was so funny that when I would touch Hailey to move her back so the tide wouldn't swallow her whole she would screetch and get so mad! She just did not want to be touched... she liked her spot where she can be close enough to the water to splash and when the tide went down she was close enough to grab some fresh sand and shove a fist full in her mouth! All in all it was a good trip and one of the many many many we will be taking to the beach this year!

Hailey eatin' the sand.

A little model picture. Compliments of Jessica Fisher! :D

Riley and Hailey hanging out in the freeezing cold water!

Hailey was so excited!

Hailey was so content on the shore juuuust near the water! She didn't want to be all the way in or all the way out!

This is the crab that i thiiiink Riley made her way to and discovered! Jess and I were so freaked out!

Haha... Hailey just loved this melted chocolate chip cookie!

Hailey chilling in the sand!

Riley loving the little floaty!

She was waaaay too cold for me to carry her close to me! Lol

So one more thing... I am posting a cute video of her eating the sand... it cracks me up! :D
... and someone answer me this... how is it that we were at the beach for 3 hours or so and Hailey did not get sun burned once but a few days later at a soccer game that was only an hour long she got roasted?!?!! Lol.


  1. Those are the cutest pictures! I love the beach, too, but we haven't been since Makayla was a baby...What a cute little girl you have...I think she looks just like a Fisher!

  2. She is such a little cutie! She is the most photogenic baby ever. I am glad she enjoys the beach so much. Looks like lots of fun!


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