Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ohhh the Joys of Babysitting!

Its the funniest thing to watch two Cousins go at it! Today Riley decided that Hailey's breath stunk and that she needed some gum... Ha! Not really all that funny seeing how my child's life was at stake here! Lol... I had given Riley a string cheese after her nap today to have as a snack and I thought it was so nice of her to share with Cousin Hailey... little did I know... that it wasn't string cheese in their mouths! I had walked in the other room to put something away and as I was walking out I had seen Riley getting into my purse on the floor... after I told her no and to get out of it and to put my papers back in it... and she did what she was told (sorta...)and slowly but surely moved onto another mission... I had then realized that on the way to her next mission she was shoving another peice of gum in Hailey's mouth!!! I was so scared I didn't know what to do or where to begin... I had seen my time sheet for work (that if I dont have I will not get payed for my hours) in one of her hands and the rest of the gum in the other hand! The sad thing was... I was more worried for my time sheet and where the other half went then I was for Hailey or Riley's life!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I was all of a sudden worried about Riley before my own child! Which I found hilarious bc Riley had teeth! Lol... she could AT LEAST chew! :D So I sat Riley in time out after smacking her wondering hands and totally forgot that Hailey was still sitting on the floor, SURROUNDED by gum... not to mention the other peice that she was just so determined to get into her mouth! Haha... but all in all... I scared Riley to death and I don't think she will be sharing with Cousin Hailey anymore!

On a good note... ;)
We went shopping today and Riley and Hailey fell asleep on the way home... I carried them in and they stayed asleep for about 20 minutes and all of a sudden I hear someone screaming ma-ma!!! Riley was wide awake, as was Hailey, and they were just playing in their carseats talking back and forth!

Here they are smiling at the camera! They were doing the EXACT same things with their hands. It was really cute!

Then I moved them closer so they could hold hands... couldn't quite reach though!

Riley just thought she was oh so funny! (she laughs at herself alot... gets it from Mom I guess!) Haha... Just so you kno Jess... We're not laughing with you! We're laughing at you! Lol... I know.. no throwing people under busses on blogger! :D

-Riley will get down to eye level with Hailey when she is trying to crawl and give her kisses! But when Hailey gets enough smooches she trys to escape... that's when Riley puts her foot down (literally) and says "no no no-NO" and gets back down to eye level with Hailey and keeps dishing out those kisses! Haha
-They love kissing each other... Its something Hailey just learned so its exciting to watch her do it on her own without help!
-Hailey crawled right over to Riley as I was changing her diaper on the floor and started giving her slobbery weeeet kissses! (I grabbed the video camera just in time!)


  1. That is seriously cute! I love watching my kids play with cousins. I bet you love living close enough to have them around all the time! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gum is scary and such a need for us moms...ahh, what to do.

  3. those pictures of them in their car seats are so cute, i'm glad you took some!

  4. hey you need to update your blog missy!!


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