Monday, April 27, 2009

Hailey's 1st REAL Crawl! :D:D:D

Ohhhh my goodness! Hailey crawled her first REAL crawl Saturday night! It was only a couple of feet but she did it! On all fours! Then last night at our Sunday dinner at Oma and Opa's house she totally crawled from Jessica (in the middle of the living room) all the way to me... well almost (Dad got excited and picked her up before she could actually make it to me!) It was so exciting! Its so cheesy bc as I was cheering her on I got tears in my eyes! I can't believe she is already crawling! So out of excitement I just had to call everybody last night! Im thinking that the chocolate covered bananas and strawberries she had last night gave her enough energy to do it! Lol! Well here is a picture of her crawling all over the place this morning in our living room! Its funny bc she will get lazy and do her army crawl bc shes faster at it then a realy crawls right now!

Picture the army crawl: A wounded man coming out of a war crawling for safety with a dead right leg! Haha... there's a good picture.


  1. Wow she's crawling! You're in for it now! Baby's firsts are the best.

  2. How exciting. Now begins the never ending task of baby proofing.

  3. Wow! She's getting big so fast! You're in trouble now....she'll be getting into everything now! How fun!

  4. That is exciting and I have had tears in my eyes when my kids do something. Enjoy checking what she is eating all the time.

  5. My favorite part is when they get mobile! have fun!

  6. look how cute she is. she looks so much bigger in pictures. so fun.

  7. Oh how fun! She had the skinniest arms! I am excited!!

  8. so i wasn't there for the "first real" crawl but i was there for the second one...close enough! it wasn't the bananas and chocolate it was her favorite auntie jessica! she is so awesome, it just keeps on getting better and better!


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