Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

8 Things About Me!

Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows
1. Hero's
2. Jon & Kate Plus 8
3. The Hills
4. What Not to Wear
5. A Baby Story
6. Bringing Home Chef
7. Bringing Home Baby
8. Extreme Makeover

8 Things I did yesterday
1. watched Ironman
2. played on the computer
3. visited a friends
4. played Uno
5. laundry
6. went shopping
7. spent the fay with the husband
8. ate at Carl's Jr.

8 Things I look forward to
1. Drew getting home from work at night
2. Playing my word game on Myspace
3. Hailey walking, talking, crawling, etc.
4. Getting a house
5. Seeing friends
6. Being with family
7. Having more kids
8. Having my own garden/yard

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Red Robin
2. Red Lobster
3. Cuca's
4. Denny's
5. Pineapple Joe's
6. Chik-fil-a
7. Rosa Maria's
8. In n Out

8 Things on my wish-list
1. A house
2. Another baby at the moment
3. A newer car
4. Never needing to go to work
5. for Andrew to get his dream job!
6. Go to the musical WICKED many many more times... I LOVE IT! (I have to agree with this one!!! I loved it too!!!!)
7. Toys (quads, wave runners, boat, etc.)
8. Many vacations a year

8 People I Tag
1. Gina

Lol. Everyone else has done it already!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Something Dad can be Proud Of!

This I JUST HAVE to post! Drew *LOVES the Lakers... Well, sports period. But right now its partly basketball season! & I have to say that this is the cutest boy outfit I can put on my little girl! Tonight, Hailey and her friend Aiden did a little photo shoot with this Lakers outfit and it is just too stinkin cute! So as a *good wife (and as I am also jumping on the band wagon... I must route!!!!) GO LAKERS!!! Whooooo! :D

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Happy Life! :)

I just typed a whole paragraph on who and what in my life makes me happy. Being who I am, I naturally have to type a long essay of a million reasons. That's just what we women do... make things looong and difficult. ;) -we still need to stick together ladies!!! :D

I figured instead of a long paragraph on who and what makes me happy, I should try to list them, short, sweet, and to the point! (kinda like my prayers -I tend to get shy. Hey! Don't judge me... I believe we all do! :D)

So here it goes.
The things that make me happy in life:

-My Husband & all that he does. (I know he tries so hard for me.)
-My Daughter & her cutest laughs and smiles. (She always makes my day an even better one.)
-My Family & all the support and encouragement they give. (For without them, I wouldn't be here today.)
-My Friends & all of our secrets. (They are the best people to vent to.)
-Love &... (No discussion needed.)
-Showers & the soap that comes with them. (Otherwise I'm not too sure about people liking a smelly person.)
-Ice Cream. (It screams eat me in the Summer!)
-Food & all the joys and calories they bring!. (Bring em' on!)
-Laughing & all the stupid things that make me laugh. (without laughter, we'd all be dead.)

We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
-Anne Frank

You can never get enough of what you don't need to make you happy.
-Eric Hoffer

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.
-John Barrymore

Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
-Helen Keller

Monday, January 12, 2009

The New Year has Arrived! :D

Well Hello Everyone and Happy Belated New Year!
We are so excited for what this new year will bring. There is so much to look forward to! I know a lot of you are posting your New Years Resolutions and I figured why not one more! :]
I have a few New Years Resolutions actually, my very first is to be more organized. Andrew is the most organized person in the world! He gets irritated over his belt or sock not being in the right spot... INSIDE OF HIS DRESSER DRAWER! Lol. So being in the position that we are in right now and not having a lot of room, I figured that would be an awesome New Years Resolution! So far it has actually gone pretty well. Well... Until the last few days. Its hard to keep up when there are so many other things I would rather do! Another resolution of mine is not to loose weight or eat healthy... but to train for the Mud Run at the end of this year! When I ran in High School I could run 9 Miles in the morning go to Summer School P.E. ... AND do my daily sprints after school! Now I can only run about 50 feet before Im out of breath. That would be an awesome goal for me bc I know my body will never be the same again after having a child. I feel I am well prepared to except that... eh... who doesn't have those.. "My rolls are hanging over my jeans, my shirts just don't fit, and I can't staaaand the way I feel and look right now." -moments? Thirdly, I would like to start reading more. I feel like it would be good for my mind and me time. Of course I read and scan over Magazines or Internet Articles... who doesn't? Im talking about... REALLY READING! Now for those who may not know me very well... I HATE EDUCATION! Haha. I can't stand anything that has to do with school or learning unless its something IM TRULY interested in! So I guess its time to start searching for the right books to read! (any suggestions?)

On antoher post... (A 2 in 1 post... this is my New Years special!!! :D WOW I'm doing good.)
Hailey is doing SOOO well! She's laughing more and more! (Except when Aunt Jess is around, must be sending off some of those Vitamin B (bad) rays! *wink) She smiles SOOOOO much! I can't believe how big she's getting! I was putting aways NB and 0-3 month clothes last week that she is just way too long for and I was in tears doing so.. Its so crazy that I'm finally here... with what I've always wanted... A wonderful husband and with a little girl to cherish! I'm so proud to call her mine & she's def the Apple of her Daddy's eye!

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's Been A While. :]

Hello Everyone!

I have to be honest about this whole blogging thing. I was so very excited when my sister-n-law told me about blogger.com and I decided to try it out! Only... that was last month! :D I made on post and that was it... I was done. Blogging is hard to do for me... I worry about what to do... what to say... what NOT to say... etc. So I have decided to give it another try. Im going to make a goal to post at least 3 blogs this month~ Now for those of you who don't know... this is a lot for me. I wanted to blog so this way all of Andrew's family we don't talk to or even hardly see can be updated on all our shinanigans! So here I go.

This year has been a big one for Andrew and I... We got married, had a baby, moved a few times, had our first holidays as a family, our child has had a lot of firsts, (which mommy gets very... scratch that... OVERLY excited about!!!) and now, looking to buy a house! & with the new year, I know we have so much more to look forward to! Hailey's firsts everything else... Our firsts everything else! Its pretty exciting! Here I have posted a few pictures of Hailey and her firsts that I have been meaning to put up. Thanksgiving, Halloween, & Christmas. Enjoy! :D