Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hailey's 1st [Goofy]Tooth!!! :D

After many months of waiting, worrying, wishing, and wanting Hailey finally got her first tooth! Well... Goofy tooth! Haha. Her first tooth just so happens to be her top left tooth! No others seem to be ready to poke out.

In other news. Hailey wasn't doing too well this past week. We ended up taking her to the ER bc for some reason her legs were hurting her too much to walk. We thought it could've been grwoing pains but turns out that babies dont usually get growing pains so young. Turns out she had a virus, somewhat like the flu that makes your muscles achey and sore, only it was a virus that made her legs sore and achey to the point where she was hurting too much to use them. The poor thing, she just learned to walk only to be restricted to her butt planted to the floor. I didn't get a picture but Drew and I let her sit on the floor surrounded by toys and pillows and had her watching Baby Eistein movies. We let her cry it out since the Doctor said to keep her down so she will walk or crawl again when she was ready. She just looked so misserable. Couldn't get up or do anything! Now Hailey seems to be doing much better Her fever has gone away and she is walking just fine. It was a stressful and scary thing. Thank you to those who kept her in your prayers!


  1. That is so funny that her top tooth is the first one to come in! (And even funnier that you got a picture of it!) :) I'm glad she's feeling better! It's so hard when your kids are hurt or sick and there really isn't anything you can do about it!

  2. its about time!! now she needs to catch up to aiden!!


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