Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Some Random Fun/Hailey's 1st REAL Walk!

Thanks to Jen Gagliardi, Jessica and I got some awesome pictures of our beautiful daughters!
Thanks Jen! :]

Riley and her Mommy Jessica, the child inside the belly is known as "THE BEAST"! Haha.

So much love!

Waiting outside the temple for our friends Gina, Cody, and Aiden to finish getting sealed.
Congrats guys! :]

Such a beautiful family.

...and such good friends!

Andrew holding his first nephew! Lucas Benjiman Fisher (Luke).

Hailey taring down the DVD rack yet again! (Dads always asking why his movies are out of order. Lol.)

Hailey riding on a motorbike!

Some fun at Aunty Chelseas house.

Hailey and Cousin Ryan playing on Moms birthday!

At a restaurant being silly.

... And!!! Last, but certainly not least!!!! HAILEY'S FIRST REALLLLL WALK!
She just got right up on my birthday (the 3rd) and started running around everywhere! There was almost no crawling on this day! Yay for Hailey! :D


  1. That first picture is SOO beautiful! I'm so jealous of the pictures she took for you!

  2. I love all those cute pictures of the girls! I can't believe she's old enough to walk! That went by fast! Happy Birthday, by the way! :)

  3. such cute pics! and wow, you guys have a lot of DVDs

  4. yayyyy she's walking, although i'm sad she didn't do her first official walk for me...i'm still proud of her! she's such a cutie...she has sooo much personality!

  5. so fun!!!! pictures of the girls so cute!


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