Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Happenings

So a few things going on in the Fishy Fam lately.
Firstly I am proud to announce that Drew and I FINALLY got our temple recommends! We can't use them yet but we will be able to in a few short weeks! (after we talk to the stake president)
We are so excited for our sealing although, we wish we could go through the temple faster... we know we are still going to get our chance. :]

This is a sneak peak of Hailey as a flower girl in my friend Alysha's wedding back in March! I think im just as excited as her and her husband are to get these back.

Oka... one of these days im going to do a post strictly on Hailey and her many sleeping positions... it would be funnier if I could get my husbands pictures as a toddler to post next to Haileys... Shes just like her Dad! Most of the pictures Lynne has of Andrew are of him sleeping... in weird places and positions. Its so stinkin cute.

Apparently Hailey thinks we're having a girl... she decided to decorate little Colin, or Lincoln, or Landon in princess stickers. :]

This is at Haileys first Dentist appointment.. There is absolutely no preparing a toddler for the Dentist! Lol.

Hailey usually wears sandals these days bc its the easiest thing to throw on her... I decided she hasn't worn teni shoes lately so I put them on her one day just to get her out of the car 20 minutes later (and running late) to a shoe-less child!

She looks like Daddy when she sleeps... without the snoring, of course. ;)

Making brownies at Oma's house for our Sunday desert.

Hailey trying to kiss Aiden... Aiden always resisting! Good boy Aiden! :D

He's so fascinated with her hair bows. We wont be at his house for even 5 minutes and he already has it out of her hair. Lol... probably bc Gina used to try the ones she made for other people on him when he was little. :]

They are so much fun.

This... ahhh this.... this is my child (exact image of me waking up!) who wakes up with crack-head hair! Lol.. watching Winni the Pooh.

Hailey giving Dad kisses before she goes to bed.

Everything is "pretties" to Hailey, whether it is her toes, a ring, a necklace, and recently mommies ears. So we had to give her a necklace of her own to have.... so now she gets excited when she wears it!

Her new "Hugsss" is still going strong. I hope it lasts. :0)


  1. Congratulations on the recommend! That's really great. LOVE the picture of Hailey at your friend's wedding- what a beauty!

  2. Congratulations on the recommend! That is so exciting! I love all the pictures of Hailey! She is so stinking cute! :)

  3. Super cute! I love these updates and pics! How exciting for you and Drew!!! Yay!!


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