Here is the first time she fell asleep standing up.
Her second time in one day!
Sad but Funny!
Another thing that Mom (not so much Dad) is very proud of is that Hailey has gone "poo poo on the pody" or in her words "pooooooop!" twice now! The first time she went on the big kid potty (we didn't have a little potty yet) and I only made her bc Drew and I had been putting of buying diapers for ever! We thought we had plenty for at least a few more days... turns out, we were down to one at 7 in the am! So when I had taken Hailey out of the bath I let her run around to air dry (plus she likes being nakey!) and i noticed her grunting a little... so I grabbed her and asked is he was going poop... she shook her head yes! So I said lets go poo poo in the pody! I took her in and sat her on our toilet and she cried for a half hour! She was so stressed out but I couldn't let her use the LAST diaper! She cried for Daddy (which she has NEVER done before) and finally she went! I was trying to clap for her and say yay! to make it a positive thing but she was just not having it! Lol! She gave me dirty looks for the rest of the day! Haha! Well I decided a couple days ago that we needed to get Hailey her own potty... maybe she wouldn't be so scared of it! Today she was sitting in her high chair eating lunch and she looks at me and goes, "Uh oh!!" I didnt' see her drop anything or do anything else that required (in her opinion) an uh oh! So I asked her if she had to go poop. She said yes! So I took her to her little pody and sat her on it. At first she cried and then she was okay when I was "going pody too". She played with my nail polish for a good ten minutes before she finally went! As soon as she did she got up and turned around and pointed and said, "Mommy, Uh Oh!!!" Lol! I never laughed so hard in my life! Apparently she doesn't get that its ok to poop where she did! So for all of that she got to flush the toilet (something she tries to do every time Drew and I are going to the bathroom! Lol.)and turn off the light in the bathroom!
We (Mostly Mom!) are so proud of her! I think Dads dreading the day she grows up! :]
Here is Hailey's new big potty! Comes equipped with built in wipes container and your toddlers own personal pull out toilet paper roller! (and a cup to stop little men from peeing on the outside of the toilet! Lol.. something we don't have to worry about!!! Yet... ;D )